General Autopilot Questions

Q: What is Autopilot?
Autopilot is a complete custom made software specifically for used-car dealership companies in Cyprus. The vehicle pictures, characteristics and prices that are inserted into the Autopilot software are automatically uploaded to In addition, the Autopilot software automatically creates a business page for each dealer company.
Q: I am a used-car reseller. How do I install the Autopilot software in my business?
If you are a professional car dealer or other type of vehicles and want to gain control of your business while simultaneously presenting your entire fleet of vehicles to the public automatically and without wasting time contact us at or by phone at 22326600.

General Questions for website

Q: Is there a fee for using this service?
We do not charge you any fees for using the services on There is no charge for the services offered by The information provided by is provided to the public free of charge if they fulfill the terms and conditions of the site.
Q: Where do you get your data, and how reliable is it? obtains and processes data from Autopilot software which is installed on the dealer’s platform and pushes data out to the site instantly. Our data is the most timely and up- to- date in the Cypriot vehicle search industry.
Q: How recent is your data?
All vehicles, characteristics and pricing information are updated on real time. Once a vehicle is sold and invoice is issued, then automatically, the vehicle show that is has been sold and remains on for a period of 60 days.
Q: What should I do if the dealer does not have my exact vehicle?
Dealers generally will do their best to match the vehicle you have configured on Autopilot, but many times they will not have an exact match for the car you are looking to purchase. This is not the dealer's fault, but rather a challenge with the way cars and trucks are manufactured and marketed. While some vehicles are produced in large numbers, other vehicles are produced in smaller numbers. To further complicate things, many options or colors will be produced in even more limited combinations. This creates a great deal of confusion for buyers that want a very specific configuration. Ultimately this can affect your expectations when contacting a dealer, so it may be helpful to keep an open mind about what the dealer may be offering as an alternative.
Q: Does Autopilot sell or service vehicles?
Autopilot does not sell any type of vehicle or vehicle component and does not service vehicles. Autopilot is a provider of information about vehicles for sale from independent dealership companies.

Give Us Feedback

Q: I have an experience that I'd like to share about how much Autopilot helped me, who can I send it to?
We would be honored and encouraged to hear how we helped! Please send your stories to CONTACT US page. (
Q: Where do I report missing vehicles or options?
If you catch any information missing from vehicle characteristics or options, please let us know at
Q: How do I tell you about mistakes I've found on your site?
Whether you are a car buyer and have found a problem with our site, or are a dealer and have the most up to date information on incentives, we are critical about our data, and strive to be as accurate as possible. If you find any mistakes, please send a note to